Monday, November 30, 2009

John Mayer Says

"... it might be a quarter life crisis".  23 is past a quarter life if you're the average American.  And I just turned 23.  Hm.  I guess it's up to me whether to turn it into a crisis or a springboard.  But I will say it feels pretty stinkin' old.  I mean, as per my life thus far.  Not in the big picture, of course.  But all the other numbers just sort of felt like, yeah, this is youth, and now I'm 16.. 18.. 21.. but 23, that changes the game.  Anyway, here's to adulthood, living at home, and unemployment!

I had a lovely birthday.  My sweet boyfriend got me 23 pink & white beautiful roses to start the day, and later he surprised me with an adorable handmade bag I had pointed out that I liked, filled with all kinds of wonderful things - my 3 favorite candy bars (Reeses, 3 Musketeers, & Milky Way for inquiring minds), a pair of earrings (from his sweet parents), and a Starbucks Card.  All wonderful, all way more than I deserve!  My parents got me Photoshop, my sister got me a really rad sweater from Peru, Chad's sister got me an aaaamazing necklack/locket that I LOVE, and my sweet sweet friend Kali got me neat earrings that happen to match the necklace.  And I got a few really sweet cards, and just all kinds of love that I'm so thankful for.  Oh and endless texts & facebook messages!  I have such wonderful, sweet, kind-hearted, intentional people in my life, and I am SO thankful.  I've always thought it was pretty appropriate to have my birthday on or near thanksgiving, because that's how I like to celebrate my birthday - honoring and being thankful for the people in my life who have raised me, supported me, shaped me, challenged me, and loved me.

So, thank you.  For making me who I am!  I'm so so blessed.

I'll have to get some photos of my sweet & fun gifts up on here soon!


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